• Tel: 0379-6211 2369
  • Mail:keweizlj@163.com


Luoyang Kewei Molybdenum&Tungsten Co.,Ltd.

1.Company Information: Kewei Tungsten-Molybdenum, established in 1996 with a registered capital of 105 million RMB, is located in the Jianxi Advanced Manufacturing Cluster. It is a comprehensive enterprise specializing in the design, research and development, production, sales, and service of tungsten, molybdenum, and their alloy advanced materials.

2.Product Introduction Our company's products are mainly divided into two categories: traditional products and emerging products. (1)Traditional Products Traditional products are primarily used in various specialized high-temperature furnaces, single crystal growth furnaces, sapphire crystal growth furnaces, industrial kilns for fiberglass, glass containers, ceramic fibers, and other applications. (2)Emerging Products Emerging products include molybdenum tube targets, new display (LCD) and photovoltaic glass electroplating materials. We are the only domestic enterprise with complete production capabilities, having successfully achieved localization, replacing imports, and exporting to Samsung in South Korea. Our low-temperature superconducting materials are domestically pioneering and internationally advanced. Molybdenum-based high-performance high-temperature alloy materials are crucial materials with national shortages, urgently needed to replace imports. We are currently the sole supplier to the military for critical components of air-to-air missiles.

3. Research and Development Innovation and Future Prospects Innovation and Upgrades of Traditional Products: Research and development of near-net-shape technology for key components in the rare earth industry. Innovations in sheet metal technology for large-scale boat-like products. Development of Import Substitution Products: Research and development of key components for magnetic materials production lines. Development of molybdenum-sodium alloy tube targets for photovoltaic coating. Development of Emerging Products: Research and development of superconducting wires. Research and development of ultra-long and fine molybdenum tubes for nuclear power (replacing zirconium tubes). Research and development of high-temperature, high-strength, and tough TZM alloy products in super large dimensions.

4. Development Status and Honors In 2021, achieved revenue of 150 million, with a growth rate of 114%; in 2022, revenue reached 230 million, with a growth rate of 53%; in 2023, revenue exceeded 300 million, with a growth rate of over 30%; expected revenue for 2024 is 360 million, with a growth rate of 20%. Honors received include: National High-tech Enterprise National "Specialized, Special, New" (S3) Small Giant Enterprise National Science and Technology SME Henan Molybdenum and Molybdenum Alloy Engineering Technology Research Center Co-construction and Collaborative Innovation Center of Nonferrous Metals by Provincial and Ministerial Units

5. Future Plans Starting from 2024, the company will focus on strengthening research and development, capturing market opportunities, and achieving a performance growth rate of no less than 20% over the next three years. The company aims to gradually realize its plan for listing on the main board.


Mission Statement: It is the significance, value, and fundamental purpose of the company's existence. Our Mission: To shoulder the mission of transforming from a major producer of tungsten and molybdenum raw materials to a strong nation in the deep processing of tungsten and molybdenum products.

Core Values: They are the fundamental beliefs and standards for judging actions and behaviors within the company. Our Core Values: To run our business steadfastly, produce products diligently, and be genuinely good people.

Corporate Spirit and Employee Code of Conduct: They are the collective spirit and code of conduct based on shared beliefs and values. Our Corporate Spirit and Employee Code of Conduct: To excel in every product, do every task conscientiously, and enrich every day.

Brand Image: It refers to the overall impression the company's various symbols and actions create on the outside world. KeWei's Brand Image: Thriving with users, coexisting with the environment, sharing with shareholders, and benefiting employees.